Congratulations on being approved for the Notre Dame Federal Credit Union Irish Rewards Credit Card, the only rewards card offered by this particular credit union. If you’ve just received your Visa in the mail and you’re wanting to get spending as soon as possible, you will first need to activate your card by calling the number located on the back. Once activated, it would be wise to set up an online banking account in order to keep track of your balance, make payments, transfer balances (if applicable) and otherwise manage your credit card. Below we’ve compiled a guide for both the account enrollment process and the process of logging in once you’re registered. Scroll down and we’ll get started.
Before submitting sensitive information into any web portal, it’s wise to review the site’s privacy policy. Here’s a PDF of the NDFCU online privacy policy to use at your convenience.
The process of logging in is similar to that of any other online banking site. First, navigate to the credit union homepage where you will be presented with all the various functions offered by the website. In the upper right hand corner of your screen you should see a Login option, click this to reveal the drop-down menu. In the drop down menu, provide your Username and click Login.
The secondary page that follows gives you the opportunity to submit your password as well as provide the answer to one of the three security questions created in the initial login process (more on this below). Enter the necessary information and click Continue to gain access to your account.
There are steps one can take if they’ve forgotten their username, their password or the answers to their security questions. Those who have forgotten their username and security answers will need to call 1 (800) 522-6611 to speak to a customer service representative as the retrieval process can’t be completed online. If it is a password that has forgotten, click on the I forgot my password link underneath the password field found on the secondary login step (see image below).
On the secondary page, supply the answers to the security questions before clicking Proceed to Change Password.
Finally, on this last page, a new password can be created. Be sure to review the requirements before submitting your selection into the provided fields. When ready, click Change My Password to re-access your account.
To activate your card, call the 1-800 number posted above this paragraph and speak to a customer service representative. With the proper identification provided, you will be able to initiate your PIN for spending. To create an account with NDFCU and successfully manage your card, click on the Secure registration link above; this will take you to the credit union’s homepage. On this homepage, click the Login menu at the top to reveal the Username field. Supply your membership number and click Login to proceed.
Your temporary password should be entered next which is, in this case, the last four digits of your SSN. Supply this piece of information into the appropriate field and click Continue to access your account. Once you’re logged into your online banking, you will be able to set your permanent login info including your username, password and security questions/answers. Note that you will be required to perform your first login with these temporary pieces of ID within 7 days of opening an account with the credit union or else you will need to contact them by phone to obtain new login credentials.
We hope this tutorial has proven useful in getting started managing and using your newly acquired Visa. Best of luck to you and happy spending!