AARP Credit Card

0 of 5
from 0 reviews

AARP Credit Card

Signup Bonus: $100 cash back after you spend $500 within the first 3 months, 0% intro APR on purchases and balance transfers for the first 12 billing cycles
Annual Fee: No annual fee
Cash Advance Fee: Either $10 or 5% of the amount of each transaction, whichever is greater
Late Payment Fee: Up to $15 if the balance is less than $750, up to $35 if the balance is $750 or more
Telephone: 1 (800) 432-3117
E-Mail: N/A

Amex Everyday Credit Card

0 of 5
from 0 reviews

Amex Everyday Credit Card

Signup Bonus: 0% intro APR on purchases and balance transfers for 12 months, earn 10,000 points after spending $1,000 within the first 3 months
Annual Fee: $0
Cash Advance Fee: Either $5 or 3% of the amount of each cash advance, whichever is greater
Late Payment Fee: Up to $38
Telephone: 1 (800) 528-4800

Auburn University BankAmericard Cash Rewards Credit Card

0 of 5
from 0 reviews

Auburn University BankAmericard Cash Rewards Credit Card

Signup Bonus: $100 cash bonus after spending at least $500 in the first 90 days of account opening
Annual Fee: $0
Cash Advance Fee: Either $10 or 3% (whichever is greater) for Direct Deposit or Check Cash Advances, either $10 or 5% (whichever is greater) for all other cash advances
Late Payment Fee: Up to $38
Telephone: 1 (800) 732-9194

Bank of Edwardsville Visa Platinum Card

0 of 5
from 0 reviews

Bank of Edwardsville Visa Platinum Card

Signup Bonus: 0% APR for the first 12 billing cycles
Annual Fee: None
Cash Advance Fee: Either 4% of the amount of each advance or $10 minimum, whichever is greater
Late Payment Fee: Up to $37
Telephone: 1 (800) 558-3424

Ducks Unlimited Secured Visa

0 of 5
from 0 reviews

Ducks Unlimited Secured Visa

Signup Bonus: None
Annual Fee: $29
Cash Advance Fee: $10 or 5% of the withdrawal, whichever is greater
Late Payment Fee: Up to $35
Telephone: 888-295-5540
E-Mail: Email form available here

Fraternity of Police Visa Rewards Credit Card

0 of 5
from 0 reviews

Fraternity of Police Visa Rewards Credit Card

Signup Bonus: $25 gift card or 4000 rewards points with first purchase 1.99% APR (interest) for the first 6 billing periods
Annual Fee: None
Cash Advance Fee: $10 or 5% whichever is greater
Late Payment Fee: Up to $37
Telephone: 1 (800) 645-2103
E-Mail: mymoney@commercebank.com

Frontier Airlines World Mastercard

0 of 5
from 0 reviews

Frontier Airlines World Mastercard

Signup Bonus: Obtain 40,000 bonus miles after $500 spent in first three months, 0% APR on balance transfers for first 45 days, receive $100 Frontier Airlines flight discount voucher after first year if $2,500 or more was spent
Annual Fee: $69
Cash Advance Fee: $10 or 5%, whichever is greater
Late Payment Fee: $37
Telephone: 1 (877) 523-0478
E-Mail: https://www.barclaycardus.com/servicing/headerLinks?handleContactUs

REI MasterCard

0 of 5
from 0 reviews

REI MasterCard

Signup Bonus: Receive a $100 gift card after making your first purchase within the first 60 days
Annual Fee: None
Cash Advance Fee: Either 3% of each advance or $5 minimum, whichever is greater (convenience check cash advance), Either 4% of each advance or $5 minimum, whichever is greater (ATM and cash advance), Either 4% of each advance or $10 minimum, whichever is greater (cash equivalent advance)
Late Payment Fee: Up to $35
Telephone: 1 (800) 872 2657
E-Mail: N/A


0 of 5
from 0 reviews
Zales Credit Card

0 of 5
from 0 reviews

Zales Credit Card

Signup Bonus: None
Annual Fee: $0
Cash Advance Fee: $10 or 5% whichever is greater
Late Payment Fee: Up to $35
Telephone: 1(800) 586-6923
E-Mail: http://www.zales.com/helpdesk/index.jsp?display=store&subdisplay=contact
