This page has been designed to give insight into the application process for the Notre Dame Federal Credit Union Irish Select Secured Credit Card. This credit option is a fine choice, one catered to those that have made the common yet unfortunate mistake of allowing their credit rating to dip below what’s ideal. Fortunately, thanks to these types of credit cards, there are ways of rebuilding your score in order to be eligible for rewards programs, lines of credit and other financing options which would otherwise be impossible for someone in your predicament. The APR for this particular Visa is 15.9% which is pretty much smack dab in the middle of average (APR is subject to change). It should be noted that, if you plan on applying for this card, you will be required to fund the credit limit from your savings account before the Visa can be activated and put to use. Scroll down for more info!
Before you begin submitting your personal and financial information into the Notre Dame Federal Credit Union (NDFCU) website, it would be wise to review their privacy policy.
In order to be eligible for this credit card, the following must apply to you:
Step 1- Let’s start off by navigating to the Notre Dame Federal Credit Union card summary page. You should see the three credit options, select the first one by clicking Apply Now.
Step 2- You have now reached to application forms, the first of which will demand personal information. To begin, enter your credit limit request. After this, provide the following data before proceeding to the next page:
Step 3- Under the Housing information heading, enter your full address, whether you rent or own, how long you’ve spent at your current address and the name of your landlord or mortgage holder. Before clicking Next Page, supply the credit union with the amount you pay for your home on a monthly basis.
Step 4- Naturally, the NDFCU will require some information about your employment. For this. you will need to enter the following information:
Step 5- A reference is needed with your credit application which is something you don’t see fairly often. For this, simply enter the name of your nearest relative/friend, the relationship held with that individual and their phone number.
Step 6- If you’d like a co-borrower added to your account, select Yes. If not, select No. Proceed to the Next Page regardless.
Step 7- Review the terms and conditions for this credit card account and, if you accept, select the check box below them. Enter your full name into the field on this page to provide an electronic signature before clicking Next Page to continue.
Step 8- You may be eligible for debt protection and can elect to purchase it here, though this is an optional step. You may choose between plan 1-3 or no protection. Click Preview when ready.
Step 9- On this last and final page you will be able to review all the information submitted thus far. If all seems accurate, click Submit to send in your application for review.
That’s all there is to it! Congratulations on completing the application process, we hope that this tutorial has proved helpful to you.