Are you having trouble setting up an online account for your Cal Alumni BankAmericard Cash Rewards Visa Credit Card? Well have no fear because Card Reviews is here to help! If you are unaware, your online profile will allow you to pay bills instantly, request additional cards, and review statement history, among other things. Creating an online profile will also allow you to activate any newly received credit cards. Simply scroll down the page and you will find a tutorial we have created that explains everything you need to know about accessing Bank of America’s secure online banking portal.
To be certain that you are familiar with how your personal information will be handled throughout the login process, we recommend that you review the Bank of America privacy policy.
The first thing you need to do is to navigate to the login homepage. Once there, type your Online ID and Passcode in the Secure Sign-In menu (pictured below) and click Sign In to access your account.
If you are unable to access your account due to a misplaced piece of login identification, click on the Sign-in help options link seen below the login fields. Select from the three available options the one that matches your specific misplaced piece(s) of ID.
A forgotten online ID can be retrieved by supplying Bank of America with Your complete card number or account number, Your complete Social Security number or Tax Identification number, and Your Passcode. With that information entered, click Continue and follow the instructions given on the subsequent page to retrieve your online ID.
If your password has been forgotten, you will need to verify your identity and create a new passcode before you can access your account. This can be accomplished by entering Your complete card number or account number, Your complete Social Security number or Tax Identification number, and Your Online ID. Click Continue to proceed and follow the prompts found on the next page to create your new password.
Should you forget both your online ID and passcode, enter in the empty fields Your complete card number or account number, Your complete Social Security number or Tax Identification number, and click Continue. On the subsequent pages you will be able to retrieve your online ID and reset your passcode.
Bank of America cardholders can activate their newly received credit cards one of two ways; the number posted above can be used to activate cards by phone, or cardholders can register for an online account with Bank of America which will activate a new card along the way. To create an account, click on the Secure Registration link seen above and you will be redirected to the enrollment webpage. Next, the following pieces of information must be supplied on the enrollment page:
Click Continue after supplying the requisite information and, on the following page, you will be able to set up your account by creating your security and login credentials. Once finished, your new account will be registered with Bank of America and ready to be used at your own convenience. We hope this tutorial has helped you today and we wish you the very best with your new account. Thank you and take care!