The USAA Cash Rewards American Express Credit Card is a great card that has the potential to be extremely valuable for certain individuals. It has an annual fee of $0 and allows cardholders to earn up to 2.25% cash back on gas and grocery purchases and earn up to 1.25% cash back on all other purchases. It has an interest rate on both purchases and cash advances of anywhere between 9.90% to 25.90%. If you fall on the low end of that scale you will have yourself a very beneficial card that will allow you to make purchases and withdraw cash without having to worry about the extra dollars you’re spending.
You should take a moment to read to the online privacy policy as it fully explains how your personal information is going to be used and protected throughout the application process.
You must meet the following requirements in order to complete the application process successfully:
Step 1: Head over to the application homepage, pictured below.
Step 2: Confirm your eligibility by selecting the appropriate tickbox.
Step 3: Click the Get Started button underneath the image of the Cash Rewards American Express card.
Step 4: Enter the following information in the blank spaces provided:
Step 5: Enter the following information in the blank spaces provided:
Step 6: Enter the following information in the blank spaces provided:
Step 7: Review the terms and conditions and click the Continue button to finalize the application process.
You have now completed the online application for the USAA Cash Rewards American Express Credit Card.