For those interested in the Commerce Bank Special Connections Mastercard Credit Card we at have gone through the effort of making an intuitive application guide, available below. Applying is a simple process, and very well worth it considering the competitively structured nature of the rewards card.
It is advised that all applicants read through the Commerce Bank Privacy Policy to make sure that all of the appropriate measures are being taken to protect your private information as it is submitted into the application forms.
Make sure you meet these requirements before applying:
Applicants will find a handy card summary containing the application link here. This page displays basic financial information regarding the card. If it appeals to you simply click the green apply online link and start the application.
Step 1- Terms and Conditions
You have the chance at the start of the application to review the terms and conditions. We recommend that you at least look through the rates and fees table to understand what the card looks like under the hood. If you agree indicate as such by selecting I Agree and continuing on with the application.
Step 2- General Information
Input the following requested personal information into the fields below:
Step 3- Employment and Financial Information
At this point you must submit some basic financial information into the fields in order to continue. Enter the following information here:
Step 4- Additional Questions
At this juncture you will have to report to Commerce if you have declared bankruptcy. You will also have to indicate if you are a permanent US resident.
Step 5- Final Questions
A co-applicant can be added to your application at this point. Likewise, you can perform a bank transfer, an account link with Commerce, and a purchase of overdraft protection. Review your application to ensure the information is correct and submit!