Creating an online banking account with Barclaycard will allow you to manage your Houston Texans Extra Points Credit Card with ease. The days of waiting in line at the bank and handling your finances over the phone are behind you as you can now log into your online account to pay off your balance, print off your statements, update your personal information, or transfer funds. This webpage will assist you through the entire registration process, from activating your card to signing into the online portal. Review our tutorial below to find out how you can start banking online today!
Be sure to review Barclaycard’s privacy policy to get a full understanding of how your personal information will be used.
Start by clicking here to access the Barclaycard banking page. In the Cardmember Login menu, provide your username and password before clicking Log in to access your online account.
If you’ve forgotten your username or password, click on the Forgot username of password? link found within the Cardmember Login menu. Use the empty fields found on the following page to supply the Last 4 digits of your social security number, your Date of Birth, and your Account number. Click Continue to proceed and follow the prompts and directions given on the next few pages to retrieve your forgotten login credentials.
After receiving your card in the mail, you must activate it by calling the number located just about this paragraph. With your card activated, click on the Secure registration link, also located above this paragraph, to begin the enrollment process for your online banking account. You must provide some general information on the enrollment webpage. Enter-in the Last 4 digits of your social security number, your Date of birth, your Account number, and select Yes or No to indicate whether or not you are a US citizen. Below that, choose a username and password for your account before clicking Continue.
After successfully completing each of the above steps, your online banking account will be setup and ready to start making payments. Good luck and happy banking!