Applying for the Milestone Gold Mastercard Credit Card can be a very quick and painless process if you are ready with financial and personal information at hand. The card is helpful for those with poor credit ratings as it can help build better credit scores.
Depending on your credit history, Milestone will recommend one of their card profiles for you after you complete the application process.
In order to be deemed eligible for the Milestone Gold Mastercard Credit Card you must meet the following requirements established by the Milestone group:
Step 1: Go to This WebPage.
Step 2: Begin to complete the empty fields with your information. This information will be used to determine your eligibility. In the case that you are eligible for the card and you need to edit your personal information because it has changed, you can do so on your account page.
So, in the first half of the form, fill in your:
Step 3: Complete the online application form by entering your:
Ensure that your computer fulfills the technical requirements listed by ticking the box under “Consent to Electronic Disclosures”.
Finally, click the green “Pre-qualify now” button and you are finished the application process.
On the next page, you will be informed if you qualify.