Not only is the UMB Visa credit card a great card for individuals looking to establish good credit, it is also a card that provides cardholders with the tools to ensure that they can accomplish their credit goals. With an outstanding web portal, UMB allows their cardholders to manage their credit online to the fullest extent. By simply navigating to the UMB homepage, cardholders have the ability to activate newly received cards and login to their online accounts from which they can pay bills and review their monthly statements. If you are having difficulty using the UMB web port, simply follow the instructions in the guide we have created for you that is available below.
It is recommended that you take a look at the UMB privacy policy before continuing as it details how exactly your personal information is to be used and protected.
Navigate to the UMB homepage and locate the Login tab on the left side of the screen.
Enter your User ID and click the Next button. On the following page you will be required to enter your Password before gaining access to your online account. If you have forgotten or misplaced your login information, click the Forgot User ID button and you will be brought to a retrieval page.
To retrieve your forgotten information you must select your account type, and enter your card number, last five digits of your Social Security number, the expiration month/year of your card, and your statement ZIP code. Finally click Verify your account in order to complete the retrieval process.
You can activate your UMB Visa credit card by either calling UMB directly at the number provided above or by using the UMB web portal by clicking “Secure Activation” above. If you are using the web portal, you will need to click the Enroll Online link from the landing page.
You must then select your account type and enter your card number, last five digits of your Social Security number, the expiration month/year of your card, and your statement ZIP code before clicking Verify your account. You will then be tasked with verifying your information, and creating a User ID and security questions before the activation process is complete. Once you are done this steps, your card will activated and will be ready to be used to make purchases.