For your convenience, you can manage your Belk Credit Card simply and safely from any computer by going to their secure website. Once there you can access your online account and manage your account in all sorts of ways. After you login to your online account you will be able to make immediate online payments to outstanding bills, review monthly statements history, and request additional cards. If that was not enough, the online portal also provides you with the ability to activate any newly received cards, a necessary step that needs to be taken before you can use your Belk Credit Card to make purchases. Simply scroll down this page and you will find a tutorial we have created that explains everything you need to know about accessing your online account and activating any newly received cards.
Before you continue on to the tutorial, we feel it is important that you take a moment to read the online privacy policy as it explains how your personal information is going to be used and protected throughout the login and activation processes.
Navigate to the secure login homepage, pictured below.
Enter your User ID in the blank space provided and click the Login button. On the following page you will be required to answer your Security Question before you will be given access to your online account. If you have forgotten or misplaced your User ID you can retrieve it by first clicking the Lookup User ID link.
On the following page you will be required to enter your account number and the last 4 digits of your social security number before clicking Next in order to begin the retrieval process.
Once you’ve received your new card in the mail, you can activate it in two different ways. You can either call the activation number provided above or you can do so online by first clicking the Secure activation link above. This will take you to a screen with options to log-in if you’re already a Belk account holder or to register your card and create a secure online account. We will assume you have not registered for an online account yet and will guide you through both the activation and enrollment process. Click the Register and Activate link to begin this process.
On the following page you will be asked to enter your account number before clicking the Next button. You will then be tasked with validating that you are the main cardholder, selecting your security settings, selecting a security image, and reviewing your personal information for mistakes. Once you have completed each of these four tasks you will have completed the activation/enrollment process for the Belk Credit Card and will now be able to manage all of your credit card needs online securely and easily all from the comfort of your own home.