For individuals looking to acquire a new credit card that has a rewards program and average interest rates, we present the American Express Blue Credit Card. Like with most other rewards cards, the American Express Blue Card allows cardholders to earn points off of their purchases. For every $1 spent on eligible purchases, 1 point will be awarded to the user. Apart from the rewards program, this card is fairly ordinary and what’s found through this offer can be found in nearly all other rewards credit cards on the market today. Those interested in applying for the American Express Blue Card should look below to our official guide which has outlined the application process.
Before applying, take a brief look through the American Express privacy policy to see if this otherwise reputable company is handling your information with respect and is enlisting the proper security measures to protect your data.
Step 1- American Express has set up a card summary page, available here, which details some of the features behind the card. To access the secure form, select the Apply Now link found on the summary page and wait to be redirected.
Step 2- This next page is where you will need to supply all of your personal information. Start by providing the following:
Step 3- Proceed by supplying the last few pieces of required personal information:
Click Continue after the requisite information has been supplied into the appropriate empty spaces.
Step 4- This page provides you with a review of the terms and conditions for this credit card. Go over this document to ensure that you understand exactly what it is you are applying for. Lastly, click the Agree & Submit Application link to finalize the application process. You should receive a response and a decision from American Express in as little as 60 seconds.
Thank you for letting us guide you through the card application procedure. We hope you found our tutorial helpful and we wish you the best of luck with your new credit card.