Odds are if you’ve found this page you are looking to login, register, or activate your new ASU Rewards Credit Card. Thankfully, you’ve come to the correct place. Our officials login/activation/registration guides, available below, should clear up any and all questions concerning the various processes. Once logged in to your MidFirst (the bank operating the ASU cards) account you will be able to make payments, view past statements, and otherwise fully manage your new card.
Before submitting any information to MidFirst please review their privacy policy here.
To login simply navigate to this webpage and enter your banking ID. On a subsequent page, assuming you’ve entered the banking ID correctly, you will be prompted for your password.
Lost login credentials can only be recovered/reset by calling MidFirst customer support at 866.762.0492.
New cards can only be activated by calling the number on the back of the card (866.762.0492). To register a new account with MidFirst for your newly activated card please follow the link above and, once redirected, choose the self-enrollment options that coincide with your particular circumstances.