Like most banks/credit card providers, Atlantic Stewardship Bank offers a credit card geared towards students. With the Atlantic Stewardship Bank College Rewards Visa Credit Card, students can get a modest interest rate while earning reward points from their purchases. Even though this card should be looked at primarily as a way to build a strong credit rating, it really isn’t so bad when you compare it to similar student cards. The lowest APR you can receive through this credit option is 12.49%. If your credit score is bad, you might be looking at an interest as high as 23.49%, so be sure to check your creditworthiness before applying (APR is subject to change). The card’s rewards program is extremely basic and you will be awarded with 1 point for every $1 that you spend. These points will be accumulated and, when enough have been earned, they can be redeemed for statement credit/a cash deposit to your checking or savings account. All in all, this card is a decent student card that we recommend to anyone looking to build up their credit rating. Apply for this card today by following our instructional guide below.
This credit card has been issued by Elan Financial Services (EFS). Read over their privacy policy before proceeding to get a full understanding of how your personal information will be handled.
Applicants must ensure that the following requirements have been met before proceeding:
Step 1- Start by making your way over to the card summary page and locate the College Rewards Visa Card. The online application form can be accessed by selecting the Apply Now link.
Step 2- This page contains a variety of empty fields in which your personal information must be entered. Start by supplying your:
Step 3- Next, more of your personal details must be specified here. Supply the following information in the appropriate spaces:
Step 4- Regarding your Housing Information, supply your full address, Time at Address, Housing Status, and Monthly Payment. If you have an alternate mailing address and/or would like to specify your school’s address, select Yes and provide that information.
Step 5- Use the drop-down menu found under the Income and Employment Information heading to indicate your Employment Status. Just below that, provide your Employer name, Occupation, Primary Annual Income, and select Yes if you have any Additional Annual Income.
Step 6- Any accounts that you currently have open with Atlantic Stewardship Bank must be indicated here. Select Yes in each field that applies.
Step 7- Here you can perform a balance transfer if you’d like to consolidate your previous card balances into one bill. Under Additional Information, use the drop-down menus to specify your Type of School and Expected Graduation Date.
Step 8- The terms and conditions document provides all of the pricing information associated with this particular credit card. We recommend reading this document over before proceeding to ensure that you are aware of what it is you are applying for. If you are comfortable with the terms, check the small box found next to I accept the Terms and Conditions. Your application is now ready to be sent in to EFS for review, all you need to do is click Submit! EFS will assess your card request and provide a response to you shortly.
That’s all for this Card Reviews tutorial. We hope that you found our guide useful and we would like to welcome you back the next time credit card assistance is needed. Take care!