The Barneys New York Credit Card is an ideal credit card for those who are interested in earning rewards points on purchases and are interested in exclusive benefits when shopping at Barneys New York. To attain a Barneys New York Credit Card one must first complete an online web application.
The application process for a Barneys New York Credit Card is very simple, and only takes a few minutes. The account will be approved following a credit check. One may apply for either an individual or joint account.
In order to be approved for a Barneys New York Credit Card, one must:
Step 1: Go to This WebPage and select either “Individual Application” or “Joint Application.”
Step 2: Enter the following personal information:
When one is finished entering their personal information, they must click “Continue” at the very bottom of the page. After clicking “Continue,” one will be brought to the following page where consent to specific requirements will need to be given in order to proceed. Lastly, applicants will be brought to a “Results” page upon clicking “Continue”. Here, one will find the results of the now completed web application for the Barneys New York Credit Card.