How to Apply for the BBVA Compass Select Credit Card

The BBVA Compass Select Credit Card features a rewards program unlike most other credit cards. Whereas their points-based rewards program is similar to other cards, the unique aspect is that you can decide which categories of purchase you earn double the amount of points, and triple the amount. For example, if you fly a lot, you can set your card up so that you earn three-times the points when you make airfare purchases.

Applying is simple. Go to the link provided by the blue “Apply Now” button on this page and get started by continuing to read this article.


There are some requirements to fulfill in order to be deemed eligible for the BBVA Compass Select Credit Card.

You must be:

  • 18 years of age (at least)
  • A resident of the U.S.
  • In good credit standing as judged by the BBVA Bank
  • In possession of a U.S. driver’s license or other form of ID

How to Apply

Step 1: Go to This Webpage.

Step 2: Click the blue “Start your application” link.

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Step 3: Decide whether it is an individual or joint account. Select your state from the dropdown list. If you have a promo code, enter it in the empty box. Next, click the blue “Continue” button.

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Step 4: Decide whether you would like a savings account with the BBVA Bank. If you would not, simply click the “Continue” button again.

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Step 5: This is the most time-consuming portion of the application. For this step, you will need to fill out all of the following required information:

  • Name
  • Primary phone number
  • Email address
  • Street address
  • City, state, and ZIP code
  • Whether you have lived at that address for two years
  • Whether or not you have a different mailing address

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Continue with the next part of the form. This portion includes:

  • Type of ID
  • ID number
  • Date of issue and date of expiration
  • Social security number
  • Date of birth
  • Occupation
  • Whether or not you are U.S. citizen

Review your information and tick the box next to “I have reviewed my information entered and confirm its accurate.

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Click “Next” and you will then be required to create your preferences for your account. You will then receive the decision as to whether or not you are eligible for the BBVA Compass Select Credit Card.
