The Central Bank Visa Credit Card is a fine candidate for your wallet as it offers a potentially very competitive APR with no annual fee. I say potentially because of the fluctuation of APR possibilities ranging from 8.99% all the way to 20.99%. The rewards program caters to those who shop frequently at department stores and those who donate consistently to charities, offering 2x the reward points on those specific purchases. Although the online portal is not what some would considered streamlined, the card itself is a fairly safe option, and if you can get past the online banking aspect, you may just be satisfied with your decision to apply for this particular Visa. For more information on that process, please scroll down and use our guide as a reference.
We highly recommend reading over Central Bank’s privacy policy before entering any sensitive information onto their portal.
Navigate to the Central Bank Credit Card summary page and select Apply today.
Then find the Credit Card option as displayed below.
Scroll down to the Security Check and check off the box that says that you’re indeed a human being.
Step 1-Card Selection
When asked which credit card you wish, select Visa and press Next.
Select the payment due date next.
Indicate whether or not you are a Central Bank customer.
Step 4-Personal/Contact Information
Although there are a number of fields detailing certain pieces of personal data, the following are the minimum required for completing the application forms:
Step 5- Employment Information
The next step will go over your employment information. The following will be needed:
Step 6-Co-Applicant Information
If you’d like to make this a joint credit card application, select yes and provide the necessary information regarding the co-applicant.
Finally review the terms and conditions to ensure they are adequate and select the box if you assent. To finish, click Submit Application to send it in for review.