The Express Next Credit Card is perfect for those who often make purchases at Express stores. Their rewards system awards those who frequently buy Express products.
Card holders can make payments by accessing the link provided on this page. The home screen for users to login is easy to navigate. For those who need to login, simply enter your username in the blank field underneath “User name” and your password in the blank field underneath “Password”.
In the case that you have forgotten your user name or password, utilize the “Forgot your user name or password?” link under the login area.
If this is your first time visiting the Express Next Credit Card webpage, and you are interested in registering and activating your card, click “Secure Activation” above.
The link will bring you to the page below. When asked if you have your Express Next Credit Card number, click “Yes”.
You will then be required to enter your credit card number, your social security number, and your ZIP code in the blank fields.
Next, click the black “Continue” button. You will be required to create your login credentials, decide whether you would like the site to remember your computer or tablet, and finally, decide whether you would like to enrol in paperless billing.