Applying for the Express Next Credit Card is fast and simple. Having important financial and personal information on hand makes the process even quicker and easier. Express Next Credit Card hopefuls will receive a decision on whether or not they are eligible almost instantly. Those who are successful will be able to begin to receive bonus points on their purchases immediately.
Those who hope to be successful in applying for the card are required to be:
Step 1: Go to This WebPage.
Step 2: Begin to enter your personal information. This includes:
Step 3: Continue entering information about yourself. Enter your birth date and your email address twice. Indicate whether you agree to the Terms and Conditions of the rewards program stipulated by Comenity Bank.
Step 4: Tick the box and indicate you understand and agree to the Express Next Credit Card terms and conditions. Tick the next box to indicate you meet the required technological capacities to access your account online.
You are now finished! You will receive the decision as to whether or not you are deemed eligible for the Express Next Credit Card.