Cardholders of the First Progress Platinum Select Mastercard Secured Credit Card are able to manage their credit online through an easy to use online account. As you are a cardholder of the First Progress Platinum Select Mastercard Secured Credit Card you are more than likely someone who has poor credit, and thus, having an online account that provides you with the tools to manage your credit daily will be a major advantage to helping you establish your credit score.
Before proceeding we recommend that all of our readers take a brief moment to review the online privacy policy so as to be certain they are aware of how their personal information is going to be used throughout the login and activation processes.
Step 1: What you first need to do is navigate to the login homepage, pictured below, and click the Customer Center tab.
Step 2: On the following page you must enter your Online ID and Password where required and then click the Login button to gain access to your online account. If you have forgotten your login information you can retrieve it by clicking the Click here link and proceeding to the following steps.
Step 3: Click the Existing Customers link that is most applicable to your situation.
Step 4: You must enter a combination of the following information, depending on which part of your login you have forgotten, and click the Continue button to begin the retrieval process:
If you are looking to setup an online account you can do so by first clicking the Secure activation link above. On the following page click the Customer Center tab.
You must then click the New Customers – First Time Logging In link.
On the following page enter your 16 digit account number and the last 4 digits of your Social Security Number before clicking the Login link. On the following pages you will be required to create an Online ID and Password before the activation process can be completed.