Individuals who have acquired the La Quinta Returns Visa Credit Card will be able to manage their finances through the use of an online account. You will need to start by activating your card. It will then be possible to create an account through which you can view your previous purchase history, update your general information and oversee all transactions from the comfort of your computer. The tutorial we have provided on this webpage will take you through each step of both the the registration and login procedures. Scroll down for more information.
Take a moment to review First Bankcard’s privacy policy before submitting any sensitive information online.
To log into your online banking you must first navigate to this website. Once there, look to the left of your screen and you will see an image like the one shown below. Enter your User ID into the field and click Log In.
Continue by supplying your password and click Submit to log into your online banking.
If you forget your user ID or password, you can retrieve that information by first clicking on the Forgot ID/Password link located within the main login menu. In the window that pops up you will need to enter your full name and your user ID or email address. Once entered, click Submit and you will be access your login credentials.
Before you can create an online account you will need to activate your card. This can be accomplished by calling the number located above and speaking to a customer service representative. Once activated, you can access the online registration portal through the secure registration link also posted above. From there you will need to enter the following information:
After you’ve supplied the information correctly you can proceed by clicking Continue. The following pages will ask you to choose a username and password for your account. This will conclude the registration process and your online account will be up and ready to go.