If you are a frequent Metrostyle shopper, you may be interested in getting a Metrostyle Credit Card. This card will give you lots of rewards and opportunities including, 5 metrostyle Style points for every $1 spent, $10 metrostyle merchandsize rewards for every 1,000 points accumulated as well as many bonus opportunities throughout the year. It should be noted that the Metrostyle Credit Card has a fairly high APR of 25.24%, so if you are not responsible paying your bills on time, the rewards may not be worth your trouble (APR is subject to change). If you are interested in applying scroll down below for step-by-step instructions on how to apply for the Metrostyle Credit Card online right now!
The Comenity Bank issues and manages the Metrostyle Credit Card. Read the Comenity privacy policy found in the terms and conditions before proceeding with your application.
To be eligible to apply for the Metrostyle Credit Card you must fulfill the following requirements:
Step 1- To apply online for the Metrostyle Credit Card, click the Apply Now link provided at the top of this page. You will be directed to the application page, it should look like the example below.
Step 2- To complete your application you will have to provide some information, starting with the following personal information:
Step 3- Next, enter your total Annual Income in the indicated field.
Step 4- You will then be asked to enter the following contact information:
Step 5- The last bit of information that you are required to supply is your Email Address and Mobile Phone number.
Step 6- If you would like to add any additional users to your account, do so here by clicking Yes and entering their information. If not, keep it at the default selection, No.Step 7- Review the agreements, terms and conditions found in this example here.
Step 8- To indicate your agreement with the terms and submit your application, click the I Consent button, then click Submit.
If you’ve followed all of these steps, your application for the Metrostyle Credit Card is complete! You should receive a response within 24 hours. We hope this guide has been helpful to you.