For those of you who recently acquired the Bank of Albuquerque Visa Platinum Credit Card, you may be interested to know that you can manage your new credit card account online. To manage your credit card finances, you will need to access your account through the Elan Financial Services (EFS) online banking portal. Once logged in, you will have a multitude of financial tools at your fingertips which will allow you to, view statements, review transactions, and generally oversee the operations of your account. To assist new cardholders in taking advantage of these online banking services, we have provided a guide below on how to log into your account, how to activate a new card, and how to register for online banking. Scroll down to find the assistance that you need to get started.
Before using their online services, we recommend that you review the EFS privacy policy to know how they use their clients’ information.
To start the login process, you will need to find your way to the EFS login page. Once you have located the page, enter your Personal ID into the indicated field of the Login window and click Continue to proceed to the subsequent step.
Now supply your Password in the indicated field and click Login. If both of your login credentials were entered correctly, you should be automatically directed to your online banking account.
If you happen to have forgotten your personal ID, you will need to locate and click the Forgot your Personal ID? link in the login window. You will be asked to provide the following information to be able to retrieve your personal ID:
When you have finished entering the above information, click Submit and, by following the instructions in the ensuing pages, you will be able to retrieve your personal ID.
If you have forgotten your password, go to the second login window and click the Forgot your Password? link. Enter the following information on the ID Verification page:
After completing the above information you will need to create a New Password before clicking Submit. After completing this step, you will be able to log in using your new password.
To activate your new Bank of Albuquerque Visa Platinum Credit Card, call the number posted above and follow the telephonic instructions to complete the card activation process. If you wish to enroll in online credit card account access through EFS, click the Secure Registration link found above the activation number and enter the following information on the enrollment page:
You must decide upon your Personal ID and Password to be used for future logins, and you must enter your choices into the appropriate fields to complete the registration process. If you are interested in receiving special offers by email, provide your Email Address in the indicated field. When you are ready, click Submit to finish your account enrollment.
That’s all there is to it! We hope that our guide has helped you in successfully activating your card and enrolling in online banking. You can now manage your finances anytime you like by logging in through the EFS login page. Happy banking!