Picking out furniture can be really fun. What isn’t fun is paying up front for all of it in one lump sum. You can avoid this by financing your purchases with a line of credit. If your local furniture store happens to be Bassett Furniture, you should look into their special financing programs. Each local location has different offers, but the application for the card is the same across the country. Read on to find out how to apply.
Before continuing with the instructions, remember to read the Bassett Furniture Privacy Policy. It is important to remember that Bassett Furniture collects information about your visits to the website and uses it for analytics and marketing purposes.
The Bassett Furniture Credit Card and Wells Fargo stipulate that you must meet some requirements to be deemed eligible for the card. These requirements include:
Step 1: Go to This Webpage.
Step 2: Enter your ZIP code in the box. Note that only select stores accept the Bassett Furniture Credit Card. If your ZIP code allows you to continue the application, the nearest Bassett Furniture store accepts the cards.
Step 3: If your ZIP code is accepted, click the grey “Proceed With Application” button.
Step 4: On the next page, review the benefits of the card and click “Apply Now” near the bottom left of the page.
Step 5: The final portion of the application is the application form. This may take some patience, but you’re almost finished!
Starting under “Background Information”, fill in your:
Under “Employment Information”, enter your employer’s name, your work phone number and your net annual income.
Next you will be required to consent that you have read and reviewed the Terms and Conditions and you are all done! Good luck with your Bassett Furniture Credit Card application’s result and your new furniture.