Congratulations! You’ve taken the first step to building better credit by acquiring a Citi Secured Mastercard. If you are having difficulties logging into your account, activating/registering, or otherwise utilizing your new card please scroll down to find our start-up guides aimed at helping a new cardholder get from A-Z as quickly as possible. Once completed you will be able to fully manage your card, including paying bills, viewing past statements, and more.
We highly recommend that everyone looking to manage their card online be familiar with the Citi online privacy policy before submitting to Citi and personal data.
Logging into your Citi user portal is a very simply process thanks to Citi’s modernized web design. To login simply navigate to the Citi homepage and enter your user ID and password in into the provided fields. Once completed select sign on to successfully login.
It happens to the best of us. You’ve forgotten your login credentials and can’t find them anywhere or remember them for the life of you. If this is your issue please select the Forgot User ID/Password? link and, once redirected, fill in the requisite forms to retrieve or reset the information, depending on what has been misplaced.
Activating a new card can be a challenge depending on the bank or card provider powering the card in question. Luckily, Citi once again has proven itself to be a modern company. To activate you can either call the number above or register a new account in a few short steps. To do the latter please select the link hosted above and enter the following data into the forms provided by Citi:
Through the course of this process you will have the opportunity to set your account preferences, determine your security credentials and link any mobile devices.