The Community 1st Credit Union Serenity Mastercard Credit Card is an interesting card in that it has the potential to have an extraordinarily low interest rate on purchases. A lot of times these cards offer a window in which your interest rate could fall, with it ultimately falling at the very high end, but even still, the opportunity to have an interest rate as low as 8.99% is definitely intriguing. Add an annual fee of $0 to that and you have a card that is worth every minute it takes to complete the online application.
Before you continue you should take a second to read the online privacy policy as it explains how your personal information is going to be handled and protected throughout the online application process.
Ensure that the following criteria of eligibility are met before beginning the application process:
Step 1: Navigate to the application homepage, pictured below.
Step 2: Click the Learn More link underneath the Serenity Mastercard tab.
Step 3: On the following page click the Apply Now link.
Step 4: Provide the following personal information:
Step 5: Provide the following residence information:
Step 6: Provide the balance of your savings and checking accounts.
Step 7: Provide the following employment information:
Step 8: Designate the amount of deposit.
Step 9: Designate whether you wish to apply for joint credit.
Step 10: Designate whether you would like to transfer a balance.
Step 11: Designate whether you wish to add an authorized user.
Step 12: Review the terms and conditions and click the tickbox to consent to them.
Step 13: Click the Submit button to finalize the application process.