Community First Credit Union Low/No Fee Choice Mastercard Login|Make a Payment

Congratulations! You’ve choosen either the Community First Credit Union No Fee CHOICE REWARDS Mastercard or Low Fee CHOICE REWARDS Mastercard and you’re only minutes away from being able to activate your card and access your online account. Once successfully logged in, you will have the ability to fully manage your account by updating your personal information, review statements and making payments with the convenience only online banking can provide. If any of the steps between receiving your card in the mail and accessing your account confuse you, we’ve provided a guide of the process below to help out.

Please take a minute to look over the privacy policy here before entering in any information into the website

How to Login

Logging in is made possible by navigating to the Choice Rewards Mastercard homepage and entering in your Username.


This will take you to the page in which you’ll enter your password. If you aren’t logging into your account on the usual computer, they will most likely ask you to answer a number of challenge questions (you will choose these upon registration) as an added security measure.



If your password escapes you, select Forgot Password? to be directed to the page below where you will be required to enter your Mother’s Maiden Name as well as your Date of Birth.



The 1-800 number above is the one to dial to activate your account. Underneath it is a link to the registration page. Once you’re there click on New User/Enrol Now to enrol now as a new user.


You’ll find yourself looking at the page displayed below. They will ask you to enter the 16 digit number found on the front of your credit card. Once entered, the subsequent steps will require you to enter security information, choose your personal image and challenge questions as well as your username and password.


