Those in possession of a Community First Credit Union Student Choice Rewards Mastercard are most likely looking to build their credit history and take advantage of the awards program of 1 point for each dollar spent. You may not be familiar with how to activate your new mastercard, how to register for an online account and what benefits come with online management of your account but we’re here to help you with those exact questions. After you’ve set up a username and password, you will be able to login to your account to few your statement history, make payments online and brief your personal information. We’ve put together instructions which will guide you smoothly through the processes below.
It is strongly recommended that you review the privacy policy of any website in which your personal and financial information is asked of you.
Logging into your online account is simple; all you have to do is visit the Choice Rewards Mastercard homepage here and start by entering your username and clicking Sign In.
You will be taken to a secondary page to fill in the Password field displayed below. All that’s left is clicking Submit and you’re in. If you are attempting to access your online banking on an a computing device you don’t habitually use, you may be presented with the challenge questions that you’ve chosen upon registration.
We’re all human, every once in a while we forget our passwords. If this is the case, don’t fret, click on the Forgot Password? option and you’ll be guided through the recovery process which will have you entering your Mother’s Maiden Name and your Date of Birth.
In order to activate your card you must call the number emboldened above. The link will direct to the online registration page. This process can begin by selecting the New User/Enrol Now option.
Naturally this will take you to the New User Enrolment page where you will enter in your Card Number into the field. The following steps will ask you to submit security information such as your user ID image, challenge questions, username and password. Best of Luck!