Looking to put a little cash away for college? Conestoga is currently offering a College Rewards Visa Credit Card which, technically, will help you save with a 1 point/$1 spent rewards structure, but which really doesn’t have anything over your average rewards or cash-back credit card. I make it a point to mention this when writing about any card tailored, supposedly, for students, but I personally can’t see how spending money on a credit card, regardless of the rewards, could possibly be a smart savings strategy. If you’ve found a way to make it work, and are looking to apply for this card, power to you. We have created an official guide for just this occasion. To access the guide simply scroll down and get started!
Please take a minute to review the EFS (Elan Financial Services) online privacy policy before submitting any personal information into the application form.
To apply one must:
To begin, access the secure application form via the card summary page by navigating to the page and selecting apply now. EFS will redirect you to the application page.
Step 1- Personal Information
Now that you are within the application you will need to submit, first, the following data establishing your identity:
Step 2- Housing Information
You must now submit to EFS the following data regarding your housing status:
Step 3- Financial Information
In order to be evaluated for an APR you must submit the following financial data to EFS here:
Step 4- Additional Options
You may add a joint applicant and/or an authorized user at this point, should you choose to do so.
Step 5- Disclosures
Before submitting make sure to read through the terms and conditions. If you agree, indicate as such by checking the provided box and selecting submit.