Are you in need of a credit line that actually guarantees a positive change in your credit score? Conestoga is currently offering a Secured Visa Credit Card for just this scenario. With rewards options put in place for automatic payments and other secured measures and a set APR this card might be just what you need. If you’re looking to apply please feel free to consult our guide, available just below, for any information you might need.
We recommend that everyone planning on owning a Conestoga card familiarize themselves with the Elan Financial Services (EFS is the card handler for Conestoga) online privacy policy before surrendering and personal data to their forms.
Applicants must:
Navigate to the EFS card summary page and select apply now. EFS will redirect you to the secure application.
Step 1- Personal Information
For the first section of the application please submit the following data to EFS:
Step 2- Housing Information
You are now required to enter the following housing data into the form in order to continue:
Step 3- Financial Information
Finally, surrender the following financial data to complete the data-entry portion of the form:
Step 4- Additional Options
You may add a joint applicant and/or an authorized user at this point, should you choose to do so.
Step 5- Disclosures
Review the terms and conditions and select submit to finalize the application.