Alongside other Ducks Unlimited credit offerings stands the Ducks Unlimited Secured Visa Credit Card, a card which backs your line of credit with a deposit, the aim being to help you build credit with a secure, non-defaultable credit line. It also claims to help wetlands conservation with every purchase you as the cardholder will make. I have as of yet been unable to identify the exact mechanism by which this card aids in wetlands conservation, and it may very well not, but if you intend on applying regardless please feel free to reference our application guide, available just below.
Before applying we recommend that all applicants review the First Bankcard privacy policy before submitting any private personal information to their webforms.
All applicants must:
To access the secure application you must first navigate to the FB card summary page and select the apply now link corresponding to the Ducks Unlimited Secured Visa Credit Card (to the bottom of the page).
Step 1- Personal Information
Now that you are within the application you will need to submit the following personal data to the first section of the form:
Step 2- Card Options
If you would like to add an authorized user at this point you may do so. You also must choose your desired card art at this juncture.
Step 3- Deposit
For the secured card to function as it should you are required to deposit the amount that you wish to be your credit line to FB before you can start spending. Enter the desired amount and accompanying bank information into this section of the form.
Step 3- Disclosures
Take a minute to review the terms and conditions of this card and, if you assent, submit the application for review.