If you’re looking for a standard points card and you have a decent credit rating, the Fifth Third Real Life Rewards Credit Card is a totally valid option. Especially if you already have an account with Fifth Third Bank as it will make the online application a breeze. This card has a flexible APR and offers 2 points/dollar for gas and groceries, 1/1 for everything else. If you find the online portal at all confusing, just scroll down and allow us to shed some light on the application process.
We highly recommend reading the privacy policy before entering in any personal information onto the Fifth Third Bank website.
Find your way to the card summary page by clicking here and then find your way to the application forms by clicking APPLY NOW.
If you have a pre-existing online banking account, just enter your security credentials into the fields on the left hand window. For new customers, enter your ZIP Code into the field on the right.
This page is just to make sure you’re satisfied with your card selection and that you are made aware of why it can’t be a joint account.
Enter in this personal information next:
Enter your employment status followed by the following information:
A number of questions will be presented to you in order to confirm your identity next.
Step 6-Features and Disclosures
After those steps have been completed, all that remains is reviewing the features and options this card has, then reading over the terms and conditions and agreeing to them. That’s all, good luck!