Do you find yourself paying ridiculously high interest on your credit card? Do you often look at your credit statements and wonder how you ever let it get that out of control? Or perhaps you are one of the few who have been taught how important it is to start your life with good credit and want to get a credit card that will keep you away from the daunting debt that so many adults suffer from. If any or all of the above applies to you, then the KeyBank Latitude MasterCard might be just what you’re looking for. This card offers a solid APR of 10.24% with an introductory rate of 0% given for the first 15 billings cycles (note that the APR can be as high as 20.24% if your credit score is sub par and the APR is subject to change). Although there is no annual fee, this card doesn’t boast too many other perks. If you’re in search of a card with a good rewards program, and you are already a member of KeyBank, you can check out the Key2More Rewards MasterCard. But if you’re looking to start off with a basic credit card with a reasonable APR, or if you want to transfer a balance from another credit card, the KeyBank Latitude MasterCard could be perfect for you. If you find the application process to be a bit confusing you can follow the instructions we’ve provided below on how to apply for this credit card.
In order to apply for this credit card you have to meet the following criteria:
Step 1 – We’ll start the process by going to the KeyBank personal credit card homepage. Here you’ll be able to select the KeyBank Latitude MasterCard by clicking Apply Now.
Step 2 -In this case you’ll be starting a new application so click on the middle link Start a new application. If you already have a KeyBank online banking account, click on the link on the far left, sign in, and continue to the application form.
Step 3 – Now we’re at the online application form. In the first section you’ll need to fill in the blanks with the following information:
Step 4 – Next, you’re asked to provide the following data:
Step 5 – To verify your identity you’ll need to give them your social security number as well as the information on one piece of your identification.
Step 6 – For this step all you have to do is click on the drop down menu and select the status of employment that pertains to your current situation.
Step 7 – The final step includes the option to add an additional cardholder to the account. To add an applicant, simply tick the Add a co-applicant now box and enter their information. If not, skip this step and click Continue.
That’s really all there is to it. You will be required to confirm that all the data you entered is correct and read through the terms and conditions before submitting your application. We sincerely hope this tutorial helped make this whole process a bit easier and we wish you luck with your application approval.