Cardholders of the Marathon Fleet Credit Card will find great use in creating an online account if they wish to manage their finances more efficiently. No longer will you need to wait for bank statements in the mail as your card details can be accessed in a matter of minutes. Through an account it will be possible to review the specifics of your previous purchases, update your billing information, and virtually stay on top of all aspects of your credit card. In the tutorial below you will find instructions on both the application and login procedures. Continue scrolling down for more information.
Take a moment to review their privacy policy to get a better understanding of how your information will be used.
Navigate to this website to begin the login procedure. From there, enter your Username and Password into the appropriate fields and click Login. You will then be able to access your online banking.
In the event that you forget your username or password, you can retrieve this information by clicking the I forgot my password link located under the main login menu. In the window that follows, you can enter your username into the field and click Request Password. If you have forgotten your username name then call 1 (866) 544 0699 or email
To activate your card you will need to call the number located above and speak to a customer service representative. This individual will ask you to supply some personal information so be sure to have your ID accessible. Once activated, click on the secure registration link also located above. From there, click on the Enroll as a new user link to proceed.
Next, you will be required to enter your account number, your requested username, first and last name, business title, email address and phone number. Once everything has been entered correctly you may proceed by clicking Next. The following pages will have you deciding on a password for your account.