If you’d like to get rebates when you pay for work-related purchases, you may find the Pulaski Bank Visa Business Cash Card interesting, as you get cash back with every purchase. For no annual fee you get 3% cash back on office supply, phone and internet purchases, 2% cash back on restaurant and gas purchases, and 1% on all other purchases. As additional incentives, new cardholders get $25 cash back after their first purchase, and enjoy a 0% introductory APR for the first 6 months of the account opening. The APR is decent at 12.24% to 23.24%, depending on your creditworthiness (APR is subject to change). If you qualify for the lower APR, this card could be considered a wise choice. If the Pulaski Bank Visa Business Cash Card interests you, please follow the step by step instructions written below to apply for this card online.
This card is issued by Elan Financial Services (EFS); review their privacy policy before filling your application
Applicants must meet the following requirements:
Step 1- Navigate to the Pulaski credit card page by following this link. Scroll down to the Visa Business Cash Card and click the Apply Now link.
Step 2- Now that you are on the application page, begin filling it out. All the information listed below must be entered in the Business Information field:
Step 3- Next, select whether you would like to enroll in cash access, and select Yes beside any accounts that you have already with Pulaski Bank.
Step 4- Having completed all of the above, scroll down to the Business Owner section and complete all of the following information:
Next, select Yes or No to indicate whether you would like to perform a balance transfer or Add Employee Cards.
Step 4- Once all of the required fields of the application have been completed, you will need to read and agree to the Terms and Conditions of the Pulaski Bank Visa Business Cash Card. After you have done this, click the Submit link to submit your completed application.
You’re all done! Usually you should receive a response within 5-7 business days. Good luck, and thank you for visiting cardreviews.org.