Have you recently come into possession of the Farm Bureau Members Rewards Mastercard? If so, you may find this information page of use. Within this page lies information relating to activating a new card, registering an online account with Farm Bureau, and logging into this account. Once you are completely set up you will be able to pay bills, transfer funds, and more from your online account.
Before entering any information into the Farm Bureau site please take a moment to review their online privacy policy.
To login cardholders must first navigate to the Farm Bureau card management homepage. Once there, input your username and password and select login to login.
Lost information can be recovered by selecting forgot username or password and filling out the brief form pictured below. You will nee to have the following information at your disposal for the first segment of the form:
New cards can only be activated by calling the number listed above. Your card will be ready to use once active, but for easy online management you will still need to create an account with Farm Bureau. To do so select the link above and input the following data into the form:
Once complete you will have the opportunity to submit your personal information and, eventually, adjust your profile settings, including your security parameters.