Financing a kitchen set of new appliances or a new television for your living room isn’t easy. With the help of a credit card like the Abt Electronics Credit Card, you can get some financial assistance and pay back your purchases at a slower pace. The Abt Electronics Credit Card offers special financing on certain Abt products and supplies its users with special promotional offers available only to cardholders. Fortunately, the process for applying for the card can be performed with ease, especially if you read the how-to explanation provided below. If you aren’t planning on making any large purchases at Abt Electronics, or even if you are, this card should be approached with extreme caution as the interest rate for net purchases is well above the industry average at 29.99% (APR is subject to change). Should you be interested in applying, scroll down to our instructional guide below.
Before reading the instructions on how to apply, the Synchrony Bank’s privacy policy may be of interest to you as it explains how the personal information you supply will be used.
Unfortunately there exist some requirements and regulations that must be mentioned right away. To apply for the Abt card, you must be:
Step 1- To begin the application process for the Abt Electronics Credit Card, navigate to this webpage. The first thing you’re presented with is the terms and conditions for this credit card. Read this document over carefully before proceeding. Next, you are asked to supply the following information:
Step 2- Continue by supplying your Social Security Number/ITIN, Date of Birth, Housing Information, and your Monthly Net Income From All Sources.
Step 3- Here you can choose between receiving your bank statements electronically or through the mail. Make your selection and click Continue to proceed.
Step 4- The terms and conditions are displayed here once again. Click Accept to finalize your application and submit your card request in to Synchrony Bank for review. That’s it!
Thank you for choosing Card Reviews as your guide through the card application process. We hope you found our tutorial helpful and we wish you all the best.