The Account Now Gold Visa Prepaid Credit Card is the kind of card that should give you nightmares. This card is meant to take money out of your pocket while leaving you with the impression that your credit score is being improved. As opposed to most credit cards, this one has a monthly fee of $9.95 and it can only be used after the initial $300 deposit has been provided. This initial deposit will then be drawn from each time you use your card much like the way a debit card draws from a checking account. There is definitely a time and a place for this card, but if you are not at the absolute last stop for acquiring a credit option then steer clear of this one. If you are still interested in applying, continue on and follow our step-by-step guide that will help you complete the application.
Before proceeding, it is recommended that you review the Green Dot privacy policy as they are the financial institution which will be handling your personal information.
The following requirements need to be met in order for you to be eligible for this card:
Step 1- Head over to the application homepage (pictured below) and select the Get My Card link to access the application form.
Step 2- This page is where you’ll need to provide the requisite personal information. In the empty spaces, supply the following:
Step 3- Continue by entering the following information in the spaces provided:
Step 4- Review the terms and conditions to ensure that you agree with all of the fees and other financial information regarding this card. If you agree with the terms, finalize your application by checking the small box (pictured below) and by clicking Send My Card. Your application has now been submitted to Green Dot and you should receive confirmation shortly letting you know whether or not you’ve been accepted.
We here at Card Reviews want to thank you for using our services today. Best of luck with your new card and in all of your future banking endeavours.