A great way to establish good credit, or to bounce back from a poor credit score, is to get a secured credit card. One option that might entice you is the Associated Bank Secured Visa Credit Card, which provides an excellent opportunity to start building a good credit score while also receiving all the benefits of a Visa credit card. To acquire this particular credit card, applicants must make a deposit that is pledged as security for your credit card account. If you get behind on your payments, EFS (the card-issuing company) will automatically take money from the original deposit you made to ensure you make your payments on time. This gives the bank peace of mind and allows you to improve your creditworthiness. The allowable deposit amounts range from $300 (minimum) to $5,000 (maximum), which, once submitted, will determine your credit limit. This is not a great credit card for anyone who wants any sort of rewards program, special offers and benefits, or even a low APR. The APR is currently 21.49% (APR is subject to change) and the annual fee for this card is $35 per annum. Honestly, it’s not the best option for a secured credit card, but those already banking with Associated Bank might find it a convenient choice. If you’d like to apply, follow our instructions below to apply for the Associated Bank Secured Visa Credit Card today.
Here is a link for Elan Financial Services privacy policy, should you wish to read up on their terms of information sharing before submitting any personal or financial information.
Make sure you meet the following requirements before applying for this credit card:
Step 1 – To begin the application process, navigate to the Associated Bank personal credit card page. On this page you’ll find a list with all the personal credit cards, scroll to the right until you see the Associated Bank Secured Visa Credit Card, and click on the Apply Now button. A message will pop up notifying you that you are being redirected to a third party website; it is safe to proceed.
Step 2 – Just one more step to the application form. Click the Get Started button on the left hand side of the page to begin the application process online.
Step 3 – The first section of the application form asks that you provide the following personal information:
Step 4 – Next, you need to enter your physical address, how long you’ve lived at said address, your Housing Status, Monthly Payments and, if you have an alternate mailing address, select YES and enter the appropriate information.
Step 5 – EFS requires some income and employment information from you, including your Employment Status, Employer, Occupation, Annual Income and any Other Income you might have.
Step 6 – At this juncture, EFS asks if you have any existing accounts with Associated Bank. Select YES beside any accounts you currently have open. You also have the option of adding a Joint Applicant to the account. Select YES if you would like additional cards and enter the person’s information.
Step 7 – This is the section where you will be entering information pertaining to the security deposit attached to the account. Provide the Funding Account Type, Account number, Routing Number and Funding Amount (between $300 and $5,000).
Step 8 – The last thing you need to do is read through the terms and conditions. Once you’ve accepted them, tick the box beside I accept the Terms and Conditions. Click Submit to send the application form in for review.
Congratulations on completing the Associated Bank Secured Visa Credit Card application process! We hope these instructions have helped relieve some of the headaches normally associated with credit card applications. Good luck in your approval!