The Discover it Cash Credit Card is an excellent option for your wallet which offers APR rates as low as 10.99% (if your credit worthiness allows it) with no threat of rising if payments are a little tardy. This sleek card comes in 4 different colors and is accompanied by an equally elegant online portal to make the online banking experience as stress free as possible. As the name would suggest, there is a cash back rewards program that offers 5% on certain purchase categories which change quarterly. Other details and features of this card can be found by clicking on this webpage which compares and contrasts Discover’s credit card options.
Before entering in any sensitive information into their portal, be sure to read over the privacy policy offered here or at the bottom of their homepage
To get to the secure application forms, navigate to the Discover it Cash Credit Card summary page and select the Apply Now link.
Step 1- Name
Enter in your First Name and Last name as well as pick your card design before pressing Continue.
Step 2- Personal Information
This information will be required before continuing:
Step 3- Financial Information
The following financial information will need to be filled out also:
Step 4-Terms and Conditions
The final step will be to read over the terms and conditions and if you agree with them , check off the box that indicates that you do before clicking Submit Application. That’s all that is required of you, good luck!