The First County Bank College Rewards Visa Credit Card is geared towards those who have little to no credit history, and want to get a reasonably cheap credit card in the wallet that still has a rewards program. To get you on the path to a strong credit score, they’ve offered 500 bonus points for setting up autopay, a direct deposit from a checking or savings account that goes towards your credit balance to help reduce late payments and interest accumulation. Students who bank with First County Bank will most likely be the only individuals who might find this deal enticing just out of convenience sake. If this is the case, scroll down, we’ll walk you through the application process.
The online privacy policy the card handler (Elan Financial Services) has provided should be read before any information is contributed to their database.
On the card summary page for this particular visa, you will see the Apply Now link which will present you with the application forms.
You will need to supply the following information:
Under housing information, this will need to be entered:
This is the financial information necessary for assessment of your credit worthiness:
If you have other accounts with First County Bank, please indicate them here.
A joint applicant or authorized user can be added here.
The terms and conditions must be reviewed and agreed upon before you click Submit to send your form in for appraisal.