For those of you who want a credit card that gives you a decent APR as well as contributes to the NRA, you might consider applying for the NRA Platinum Visa Credit Card. You could have an APR as low as 10.24%, and will enjoy 0% APR for the first 6 billing cycles. Double check your credit score before applying because your rate could be as high as 19.24% (APR is subject to change). Also cardholders can be at ease knowing they are donating a small percentage to the NRA, defending freedom with every purchase. Although there is no rewards program or extra perks associated with this card, you will have the benefit of paying no annual fee. Perhaps this is just the card you’re looking for, if so, follow the instruction below on how to apply for one.
Before you begin, take the time to read through the privacy policy so you’ll know how to your information will be shared.
Step 1 – To begin you’ll have to follow this link to get to the NRA section of the First Bankcard website. Once it’s loaded you’ll find a link at the bottom left of the page under Support the NRA. Click on Learn More to get to the next step.
Step 2 – Here you’re shown both types of credit cards available from the NRA, click on the Apply Now button under NRA Platinum Edition Visa Card.
Step 3 – From here on you will be asked to provide information about yourself in order for them to properly analyze your application. The first bit of information needed is your name, address, phone number and email address.
Step 4 – Your birth date, social security number and mother’s maiden name are to be provided next.
Step 5 – The following section requires you to enter the number of years you’ve lived in your current domicile, whether you rent or own your home and how much you pay per month.
Step 6 – In these fields you’re asked to enter your employment information, including business number and total annual income.
Step 7 – Should you wish to add another user to this credit card, this section allows you to do so. This is not a mandatory field, only enter someone’s name should you want an additional person on this account.
Step 8 – In this section you’ll be able to make a balance transfer, should you wish to do so. If not, skip this step. At the end you will be asked to select your card design. Select one of the seven options in the drop down menu in order to pick a design that best suits you.
Now that you’ve completed all the necessary fields, click Continue after reading through the terms and conditions. You have now successfully applied for the NRA Platinum Visa Credit Card. We wish you all the best in your application acceptance.