The Upromise Mastercard Credit Card is offered by the Upromise group and Mastercard. Upromise offers cards that allow cardholders to redirect cashback savings into savings accounts destined to be used for college expenses. If you are a student or the parent of a future student, the Upromise card might make sense for you.
The card also offers an online card-management system that you can take advantage of after you read this article explaining how.
Once Upromise members log in to their online account on the Barclaycard website, they can make payments on their card, track cashback rewards, edit account information, and more. If you’re unsure as to how you can log in, don’t fret, it is very simple.
Start by clicking the “Secure Login” button on this page. You can also click any of the images located on this page. Enter your username and click the “Log In” button. You’re all logged in now!
To begin activating your card, click the link above. You will be redirected to a form that you can fill out to register your card. This information is to ensure your card’s validity and your identity. Beginning with your social security number, enter the following information:
Read over your information and make sure its correct before clicking “Continue”. You’re all finished now, good luck with your Upromise Credit Card and your college degree you hopefully obtain with its help.