Wells Fargo Secured Visa Credit Card holders can access their account online and utilize all of the benefits that banking online can provide you. It is easy to login to your Wells Fargo account. All that is needed is your username and password.
Please note that in case you have forgotten your username or password, use the “Username/password help” link at the bottom of the red login box.
After accessing the login link and entering the user credentials, a Wells Fargo Secured Visa Credit Card holder can manage their account online. You can make payments, manage account information, edit personal information like billing addresses, and download credit card statements.
If you have just received your Wells Fargo Secured Visa Credit Card in the mail and wish to activate it, access the link above and enter your username and password in the blank fields.
In case this is your first time visiting the Wells Fargo online banking site, you must sign up for an online account. Next to “Don’t have a username and password?”, click “Sign Up Now”. You will be redirected to a new page.
On this page, enter your social security number, your card number, and your email address twice.
Finally, click the blue “Continue” button and you will be redirected to the Secure Activation page for your new card.