For those individuals who are cardholders of the Total Visa Unsecured Credit Card you have all the tools at your disposal for managing your credit card online both safely and easily. All you have to do is setup an online account and access it and you will be able to make immediate online payments as well as review monthly statement history and update contact information. Scroll down this page and you will find a guide that explains not only how to setup an online account, but how to access and make use of it.
Before you proceed to the login guide we recommend that you take a moment to review the online privacy policy. This will bring you up to speed on how your personal information is going to be used and protected throughout the login process.
Step 1: You will first need to navigate to the login homepage, pictured below.
Step 2: Then enter your User ID into the blank space provided and click the Login button. On the following page you will need to enter your Password before you will be given access to your online account.
Unfortunately, there is not way for users to easily retrieve their forgotten login information. If you are one of the unlucky few who is in this predicament your only option is to contact customer service at 1-888-267-7942.
If you are still in need of setting up an online account you can do so by calling the activation number provided above or by clicking registering online. To enroll online first click the Secure activation link above. On the following page click the Enroll Today link.
On the following page you must enter the following information before clicking the Submit button:
You will then be required to create a User ID and Password before the activation process can be completed.