If you need a credit card that meets a variety of financial needs, you might find the Astoria Bank Complete Rewards Visa Credit Card fits the bill. This credit card offers a simple rewards program, relatively average APR and a couple of added bonuses. Cardholders earn 1 point per dollar spent on everyday purchases, and also gain from a 2,500 point bonus upon making their first purchase (as long as it’s made within the first 3 billing cycles). Points never expire and, when you’re ready to use them, you can redeem your points for gift cards, travel purchases, merchandise or cash back. If you choose to redeem your rewards for cash back (to be deposited into your checking or savings account) you increase the value of your rewards by 1.5%. The APR for this credit card is between 16.24% and 23.24%, depending on your creditworthiness (APR is subject to change). Not a phenomenal rate, but users will benefit from a 0% introductory APR, offered for the first 12 billing cycles after opening the account. With no annual fee, a fairly standard rewards system and an average APR, the Astoria Bank Complete Rewards Visa Credit Card can be defined as a run of the mill rewards credit card. If this is exactly what you’re looking for, follow our short tutorial below to apply for yours today.
Read through First National Bank of Omaha’s privacy policy before disclosing any information of a personal or financial nature.
In order to be eligible for this card, you must meet the following requirements:
Step 1 – To begin the application process, navigate to the Astoria Bank personal credit card page. The first credit card on the list is the Astoria Bank Complete Rewards Visa Credit Card, click on the image of the credit card to continue to the application form. You may get a warning stating that you are leaving the safety of the Astoria Bank website and will be directed to a third party website. This third party site is First Bankcard’s application page and it is safe to continue.
Step 2 – The first section of the application form asks that you provide the following pieces of information:
Step 3 – The second part of the form requires you to identify yourself even further by providing your Date of Birth, Social Security Number and Mother’s Maiden Name.
Step 4 – At this juncture, you need to enter the number of years you’ve lived at your current address and select which Housing Status applies to you. Next, enter the amount of money you pay per month for your dwelling.
Step 5 – First Bankcard requires information on your current employment situation. Enter the name of your Present Employer (you may add a Business Phone Number as well if you wish) and your Total Annual Income. To provide even more financial data for First Bankcard, you may enter the amount of money in your Checking Account, Savings Account and Investment Account. This last section is optional, you may skip it and move to the next step.
Step 6 – This step contains a couple of options for you. If you wish to make a balance transfer or add another user to the account you may do so at this point in the application process. You may fill in one, both, or none of these options. To make a balance transfer, click the link labelled Click here and enter the appropriate information. To add an authorized user to your account, enter that person’s full name in the spaces provided. Click Continue once you are satisfied with the information you have entered.
Step 7 – Finally, read through the terms and conditions, then select the box declaring that you have read and accepted these terms. Click Submit once you have reviewed all your information.
Your form will now be submitted to First National Bank of Omaha for approval. We sincerely hope your submission is successful and that this tutorial has helped in achieving your goal. Good luck!