Frequent guests of Hilton hotels and affiliated hotels have recourse, finally, to earn extra rewards while spending those hard-earned dollars on vacay. Enter the Citi Hilton HHonors Visa Signature and Reserve Cards, two powerful earners for Hilton guests. The specific rate-and-fee differences between these cards can be seen in the table below, but essentially the Reserve card, with an annual fee, has higher earning potential and a lower APR. Applying for either one of these cards is simple, but if you would like more information please scroll down to access our official guides.
Before getting two far into the application process we recommend that you review the Citi privacy policy before surrendering to them any sensitive personal data.
All applicants must:
To access the secure application for your desired card you must first navigate to this webpage (shown below) and select your desired card. Click learn more beside the card you’ve chosen to continue.
Once redirected select next step to continue on to the secure application. Shown below is the Signature card but both options will have an identical layout on the Citi page.
Step 1- Personal Information
For the first segment of the application you must submit the following personal information to Citi:
Step 2- Security Word
You will now need to select a security word and a corresponding hint to backup your login credentials. Be sure to choose something memorable but unique to you to maximize security.
Step 3- Financial Information
In order to determine your APR and card eligibility Citi requires that you submit the following financial data here:
Step 4- Authorized Users
You are allowed to add authorized users at this point, should you desire to do so.
Step 5- Electronic Disclosures
Review the Electronic Disclosures and Privacy Policy embedded in this section and select I agree to continue.
Step 6- Terms and Conditions
Finally, take a minute to look through the terms and conditions (Signature, Reserve). If you assent, select submit to finalize the application. Good luck!