This particular credit card offers a standard rewards program that gives a bonus 25% or 50% on your points at the end of each billing cycle. If you use your card frequently and accumulate those points, this could actually be pretty lucrative. Those who plan on using their card for the majority of their purchases may consider the Bonus Plus for $50 more a year as it gives double the points each month and throws you that $50 cashback anyway on the first purchase. This is a standard card besides the rewards program with a variable APR that can fluctuate between the competitive 11.99% and an abysmal 22.99%. Those with strong credit history, read on.
Before entering any information onto the Elan Financial Services(EFS) website, read their privacy policy to ensure you’re comfortable with how they intend on using it.
Navigate to each cards respective card summary page (Bonus, Bonus Plus) to access their application forms by clicking on the Apply Now link.
You will to provide basic information detailing your business. This will proceed as follows:
Other accounts held with First County Bank can be indicated here.
Step 3- Business Owner
Enter your personal information here as follows:
To add one or more employee cards, click YES and provide the necessary data for each.
You’ll need to read over the terms and conditions before checking off the box that shows that you accept them. Once this step has been completed, your form is finished and you can send it off for review.