If you are a customer of the First Internet Bank and you just so happen to be in the market for a credit card, you should consider applying for the First Internet Bank Connect Credit Card. This straightforward credit option comes with absolutely no associated annual fee and a reasonable interest rate of 16.99% (subject to change). Although unremarkable, these features make the credit card a competitor when compared with many other options on the market. For those of you who already bank with First Internet Bank, it will also be simpler to pay off this credit card or set up recurring payments as it can be managed through First Internet Bank’s online portal. If you’re looking for a card with a rewards program, you should check out the First Internet Bank Cashback Credit Card, which also has a lower APR than the Connect Credit Card. We have provided a guide below on how to apply online for the First Internet Bank Connect Credit Card for all interested parties. Scroll down to get started.
Before you continue, read through the First Internet Bank privacy policy to learn how the might use any information that you submit in your application.
To be eligible for this card you will have to meet the following criteria:
Step 1 – To begin the application process, navigate to the First Internet Bank credit card page and locate the CONNECT Classic card summary. Once you have found the appropriate category, click the green Apply link to get to the next step.
Step 2 – Here, you are required to provide your Email and create a Password to be used to save and re-access your application. When you’re finished, click Get Started to continue.
Step 3 – Now, locate and click the Apply for a Credit Card link to proceed.
Step 4 – You will then be asked to read through the Credit Card Agreement, Privacy Statement, Account Fees, and Online Banking Access Agreement associated with this credit card application. Check the box beside each document link to indicate you have read them, click the check box below and click Next to get to the application form.
Step 5 – Before you start filling out your application, use the drop down menu to indicate that you are applying for the New Classic Visa.
Step 6 – Next, enter all of the information listed below into the appropriate fields of the Personal Information section.
Step 7 – You will be asked to provide the following information into the Contact Information section of your application:
Step 8 – To be eligible for this card, you will need to provide the following information into the appropriate fields of the Driver’s License section:
Step 9 – In the Current Address section, you will need to provide the following details regarding your address and housing situation:
Step 10 – In this section, you will be asked to provide certain details regarding your application. Enter your Credit Amount Requested (your desired credit limit) then indicate Yes or No to each of the following:
Next, provide your Mailing Address and indicate whether or not you would like to add a co-applicant to this application. When you’re ready, click Next to proceed.
Step 11 – You will now be requested to enter all of the information listed below into the indicated fields of the Employment Information section.
Step 12 – In order to provide First Internet Bank with an idea of your current financial situation, you are asked to provide the following information:
Step 13 – You will then need to supply the following pieces of information as applicable to your situation before clicking Next to continue to the next step:
Step 14 – On the Assets Information page, you can add assets to be considered with your application by clicking the Add Asset button and providing the following information (as needed) for each asset:
When you are finished with this step, click Next to proceed.
Step 15 – Your application is ready to be submitted! Take a minute to read through the terms and conditions for this credit card and, if you agree to the terms, click the I Agree button to submit your completed application for review by First Internet Bank.
Your application is submitted for approval from First Internet Bank. In the page that follows you can choose to opt early for online banking with First Internet Bank to be able to easily access your account, if accepted. We hope that our guide has proven to be helpful to you and we thank you for choosing Card Reviews as your credit card expert.