Associated Bank Secured Visa Credit Card

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from 0 reviews

Associated Bank Secured Visa Credit Card

Signup Bonus: N/A
Annual Fee: $35
Cash Advance Fee: $5 or 3% (whichever is greater) for check cash advances, $10 or 4% (whichever is greater) for all other types of cash advances
Late Payment Fee: Up to $37
Telephone: 1 (800) 558-3424

Columbia University Alumni Association Credit Card

0 of 5
from 0 reviews

Columbia University Alumni Association Credit Card

Signup Bonus: Earn a $100 cash rewards bonus after you make at least $500 worth of purchases within your first 90 days.
Annual Fee: $0
Cash Advance Fee: Either $10 or 3% of the amount of each transaction, whichever is greater.
Late Payment Fee: Up to $38.
Telephone: 1-877-854-ALUM
E-Mail: alumni@columbia.edu

Dairy State Bank Secured Visa Credit Card

0 of 5
from 0 reviews

Dairy State Bank Secured Visa Credit Card

Signup Bonus: None.
Annual Fee: $35
Cash Advance Fee: Either 4% of the amount of each advance or $10 minimum, whichever is greater.
Late Payment Fee: Up to $38.
Telephone: 1-866-436-7158
E-Mail: E-mail form available here.

Dollar Bank City Pride Visa Credit Card

0 of 5
from 0 reviews

Dollar Bank City Pride Visa Credit Card

Signup Bonus: None
Annual Fee: $0
Cash Advance Fee: $5 or 3% of withdrawal, whichever is greater
Late Payment Fee: Up to $35
Telephone: 1-877-732-2296
E-Mail: customerservice@dollarbank.com

Fraternity of Police Visa Rewards Credit Card

0 of 5
from 0 reviews

Fraternity of Police Visa Rewards Credit Card

Signup Bonus: $25 gift card or 4000 rewards points with first purchase 1.99% APR (interest) for the first 6 billing periods
Annual Fee: None
Cash Advance Fee: $10 or 5% whichever is greater
Late Payment Fee: Up to $37
Telephone: 1 (800) 645-2103
E-Mail: mymoney@commercebank.com

Illinois State Police Heritage Foundation Visa Platinum Credit Card

0 of 5
from 0 reviews

Illinois State Police Heritage Foundation Visa Platinum Credit Card

Signup Bonus: None
Annual Fee: None
Cash Advance Fee: 3% of the total of each cash advance
Late Payment Fee: $25
Telephone: 1 (800) 255 0886

Key2More Rewards MasterCard

0 of 5
from 0 reviews

Key2More Rewards MasterCard

Signup Bonus: Earn up to 10,000 points after first 5 transactions (in the first 60 days of account activation) and enjoy 0% APR for the first 6 billing cycles
Annual Fee: $0
Cash Advance Fee: $10 or 4%, whichever is greater
Late Payment Fee: Up to $37
Telephone: 1 (800) 539-2968
E-Mail: https://www.key.com/about/customer-service/feedback.jsp

Oakland Raiders Extra Points Credit Card

0 of 5
from 0 reviews

Oakland Raiders Extra Points Credit Card

Signup Bonus: 10,000 points are awarded after first $500 of purchases made within 90 days of opening an account, 0% APR for 6 months on eligible NFL ticket purchases, 0% APR for 15 months on balance transfers made within the first 45 days
Annual Fee: None
Cash Advance Fee: 5% or $10, whichever is greater
Late Payment Fee: Up to $37
Telephone: 1 (866) 928-8598

TD Canada Trust Aeroplan Business Visa Credit Card

0 of 5
from 0 reviews

TD Canada Trust Aeroplan Business Visa Credit Card

Signup Bonus: Receive a welcome bonus of up to 20, 000 Aeroplan miles.
Annual Fee: $149
Cash Advance Fee: 1% of the amount of the transaction (up to $10.00 in Canada), $5.00 outside of Canada.
Late Payment Fee: $25.00 if you are over the credit limit, no fee if you are not.
Telephone: 1-866-222-3456
E-Mail: You can only e-mail TD Canada Trust by accessing your TD Easy Web online account and using the e-mail form available there.


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